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Gazpromneft ATF Suffix A

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Technical specifications / Classifications:
Specifications and approvals:
  • GM DEXRON Type A Suffix A

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Gazpromneft ATF Suffix A is automatic transmission fluid recommended for older constructions primarily General Motors transmissions installed in passenger car and commercial vehicles. It is designed to maximize transmission performance, reduce transmission wear, prevent leaks and maintain smooth shifting. Gazpromneft ATF Suffix A can be used in power steering systems and hydraulic applications where automatic transmission fluid is specified.

  • Good low temperature performance - Good fluidity at low temperatures providing good cold-start shifting
  • Good anti-wear properties - Reduces wear and extends the life of transmissions.
  • Compatible with all common seal materials - Good leakage control.

  • Passenger and commercial automatic transmissions specifying GM DEXRON Type A Suffix A level performance
  • Power steering systems and hydraulic applications where automatic transmission fluid is specified.

Typical characteristics Method Gazpromneft ATF Suffix A
Color Visual Red
Kinematic Viscosity
- at 100 °С, mm²/s

ISO 3104

Dynamic Viscosity (Brookfield)
- mPa*s at -23 °С

ASTM D 2983

Flash Point (COC), °С EN ISO 2592 210
Pour Point, °С ISO 3016 -42
- at 15 °С, kg/m³

ASTM D 4052