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Gazpromneft HTO 32

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205 литра
Technical specifications / Classifications:
Specifications and approvals:
  • ISO 6743-12 (Q)

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Gazpromneft HTO 32 – semi-synthetic heat carrier oil intended for use in open and closed heating systems with intensive forced circulation. Thanks to the use of synthetic components, it provides high thermal and thermo-oxidative stability, reducing the amount of deposits on the elements of heating systems.

  • High thermo-oxidative stability - Reduces the formation of deposits in the walls of heat exchange equipment. Ensures maximum service life.
  • Stability to thermal decomposition - Prevents coke deposits. Reduces the likelihood of unscheduled repairs.
  • Good low temperature properties - Has stable fluidity at low temperatures. The oil provides the ability to start and operate the heating systems in a wide air temperature range.
  • Optimal composition - It is compatible with construction materials. Saves the resource of heat exchangers and gaskets.
  • Absence of carcinogenic substances - The composition of the oil does not contain substances that cause harm to human health. Ensures production safety.

  • Open and closed circulation heating systems.
  • Application in industry (factories for processing, chemical, oil - gas and other branches of industry).
  • Household application (oil heaters)
  • The operating temperature must not exceed: in open systems - 180 °C, in closed systems - 330 °C.

Typical characteristics Method Gazpromneft HTO 32
Kinematic Viscosity
- at 100 °С, mm²/s

ASTM D 445

Flash Point (COC), °С ASTM D 92 232
Pour Point, °С ГОСТ 20287 -34
Total Acid Number, mg KOH/g ГОСТ 11362 0.01
Water Content, wt % ГОСТ 2477 Отсъства
Mass part of mechanical impurities, % ГОСТ 6370 Отсъства
- at 20 °С, kg/cm³

ASTM D 4052

Boiling point
- (10%) at 0.07 MPa, °C

ГОСТ 11011