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High quality service at European level opened its doors in Gabrovo

A new Service Station, part of the international G-Energy Service project, opened its doors in Gabrovo at 22 Tarnovsko Shosse Street.
Tel .: +359898786784

For Gazpromneft-SM, this is a priority project, thanks to which together with our partners we apply innovative approaches and use modern solutions to help customers evaluate the quality of first-class G-Energy oils. G-Energy Service is a reflection of our approach to business and our many years of experience. The program allows us to provide car owners not only quality lubricants, but also a high standard of service, uniform for all regions in which the company is present. G-Energy Service is a unique international project that today unites gas stations in Italy, China, Russia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Hungary, Bulgaria, Macedonia, India and many other countries, said at the opening the representative of Gazpromneft - SM Veniamin Violinist.

Before cutting the ribbon of the new Service Station, the manager of "REDOUT O" Plamen Kozhuharov noted: "This is a huge responsibility for us, but I'm sure we will do it! We are ready to offer our customers excellent quality of service, guarantee a courteous attitude and use only the best lubricants. ”

A representative of Deni Trade EOOD - official distributor of the products of Gazpromneft-Lubricants in Bulgaria Dimitar Kondov added at the opening: “Deni Trade EOOD has ambitious and long-term plans for the development of the G-Energy Service network. in Bulgaria. By the end of 2020, it is planned to launch two more service stations in the formats G-Energy and G-Profi Service in different cities of the country. The next step on the way to realizing these intentions is in front of you - another modern service center, our G-Energy Service, which is ready to open its doors to visitors! ”